
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bruno, P. (forthcoming). Screening teachers effectively across roles and classrooms. Journal of Education Human Resources. (link)

Nguyen, T.D., Lam, C.B., & Bruno, P. (2024) What do we know about the extent of teacher shortages nationwide? A systematic examination of reports of U.S. teacher shortages. AERA Open, 10. (link)

Bruno, P. (2024). Unions, Monitoring, and Deferred Compensation: Evidence From California School Districts. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 44(3), 472-492. (link) (uncorrected accepted manuscript)

Saffar Pérez, M. & Bruno, P. (2023). Analyzing the effects of CTE grant funding on CS course offerings and enrollment in California. Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ‘23), 46-52. (link)

Isenegger, K., George, K., Bruno, P., & Lewis, C. M. (2023). Goal-Congruity Theory Predicts Students’ Sense of Belonging in Computing Across Racial/Ethnic Groups. Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ‘23), 1069-1075. (link) (pre-print)

Bruno, P. (2022). Weighted Student Funding and the Incentives of Charter Schools. In T. Downes & K. M. Killeen (Eds.), Recent Advancements in Education Finance and Policy (pp. 209-238). Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Bruno, P., & Lewis, C. M. (2022). Computer Science Trends and Trade-offs in California High Schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 58(3), 386-418. (link) (uncorrected accepted manuscript) (policy brief)

Mann, B. A., & Bruno, P. (2022). The effects of charter school enrollment losses and tuition reimbursements on school districts: Lifting boats or sinking them? Educational Policy, 36(5), 1078-1107. (link) (uncorrected accepted manuscript)

Bruno, P., & Lewis, C. M. (2021). Equity in high school computer science: Beyond access. Policy Futures in Education. 0(0), 1-21. (link) (uncorrected accepted manuscript) (policy brief)

Bruno, P. (2021). OPEB Accounting and Teacher Diversity. Journal of Education Human Resources, 39(2), 214–238. (link) (uncorrected accepted manuscript)

Dhaliwal, T. K., & Bruno, P. (2021). The Rural/Nonrural Divide? K–12 District Spending and Implications of Equity-Based School Funding. AERA Open, 7(1), 1–21. (open access link)

Marianno, B. D., Bruno, P., & Strunk, K. O. (2021). The Effect of Teachers’ Union Contracts on School District Efficiency: Longitudinal Evidence From California. SAGE Open, 11(1). (open access link)

Bruno, P., Rabovsky, S. J., & Strunk, K. O. (2020). Taking Their First Steps: The Distribution of New Teachers in School and Classroom Contexts and Implications for Teacher Effectiveness. American Educational Research Journal, 57(4), 1688–1729. (ungated link; The final, definitive version is available at (Educational Leadership article) (media coverage: Chalkbeat; NCTQ)

Bruno, P., & Strunk, K. O. (2019). Making the Cut: The Effectiveness of Teacher Screening and Hiring in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 41(4), 426–460. (ungated link; The final, definitive version is available at (policy brief) (media coverage: CPRE Knowledge Hub; Chalkbeat; Fordham Institute; FutureEd)

Bruno, P. (2019). Charter Competition and District Finances: Evidence from California. Journal of Education Finance, 44(4), 361–384. (link) (working paper) (infographic) (media coverage: Chalkbeat; Center for Reinventing Public Education; Brown Center Chalkboard)

Lewis, C., Bruno, P., Raygoza, J., & Wang, J. (2019). Alignment of Goals and Perceptions of Computing Predicts Students’ Sense of Belonging in Computing. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER ’19), 11–19. (link) (pre-print)

Policy Briefs and Technical Reports

Riley, B. & Bruno, P. (2024). Education hazards of generative AI. Cognitive Resonance. (link)

Bruno, P. & Polikoff, M. (2023). The effect of computer science course-taking on science outcomes in Chicago Public Schools. The Learning Partnership. Chicago, IL. (link)

Bruno, P., Saffar Pérez, M., & Lewis, C. M. (2022). Four Practical Challenges for High School Computer Science [Policy Brief]. Policy Analysis for California Education. Stanford, CA. (link)

Bruno, P. & Goldhaber, D. (2021). Reflections on What Pandemic-Related State Test Waiver Requests Suggest About the Priorities for the Use of Tests. (CALDER Policy Brief No. 26-0721). National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research. Arlington, VA. (link) (Phi Delta Kappan article) (media coverage: Education Week; Common Dreams; The 74)

Bruno, P. (2020). Teacher Screening and Hiring: Lessons from the Los Angeles Unified School District. Education Policy Innovation Collaborative, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. (link)

Bruno, P. (2019). The Challenges of Health and Welfare Benefit Costs for California Districts. Policy Analysis for California Education. Stanford, CA. (link) (commentary) (media coverage: The Sacramento Bee)

Imazeki, J., Bruno, P., Levin, J., Brodziak de los Reyes, I., & Atchison, D. (2018). Working Toward K-12 Funding Adequacy: California’s Current Policies and Funding Levels. Getting Down to Facts II. Stanford, CA. (link)

Bruno, P. (2018). District Dollars 2: California School District Finances, 2004-5 through 2016-17. Getting Down to Facts II. Stanford, CA. (link) (media coverage: EdSource)

Johnson, R.C., Bruno, P., Tanner, S. (2018). Effects of the Local Control Funding Formula on Revenues, Expenditures, and Student Outcomes. Getting Down to Facts II. Stanford, CA. (link)

Strunk, K. O., Marsh, J., & Bruno, P. (2017). An Effective Teacher for Every Student: Developing a Research Agenda to Further Policy Change. Policy Analysis for California Education. (link)

Other Academic Publications

Bruno, P. (2022). What We Know About the Impacts of Charter Schools on District School Finances. In C. Kiracofe, M. Hirth, & T. Hutton (Eds.), Charter School Funding Considerations (pp. 115–145). Information Age Publishing, Inc. (link)

Working Papers

Bruno, P. Pandemic-Era School Staff Shortages: Evidence from Unfilled Position Data in Illinois. (link)

Commentaries, Practitioner-Oriented Articles, etc.

Bruno, P. & Kim, H. (2024, February 21). Lessons learned from 10 years of California’s Local Control Funding Formula. The Brookings Institution’s Brown Center Chalkboard. (link)

Bruno, P. (2022, August 8). Figuring out when to panic about “teacher shortages”. The Education Next Blog. (link)

Bruno, P., & Goldhaber, D. (2021). What pandemic-related test waiver requests suggest about states’ testing priorities. Phi Delta Kappan, 103(3), 48–53. (link)

Bruno, P. (2019, September). A Tough Assignment. Educational Leadership, 77(1), 72-76. (link)

Bruno, P. (2019, May 6). School districts must do more to manage costs of health benefits. EdSource. (link)

Bruno, P. (2016, February 29). Overregulation Theory isn’t enough to explain negative voucher effects. The Brookings Institution’s Brown Center Chalkboard. (link)

Bruno, P. (2015, July 20). The importance of the teacher supply to education reform. The Brookings Institution’s Brown Center Chalkboard. (link)